Most parents of preschoolers will start to worry about a common issue:
When the time comes, how will my child be prepared to enter a prestigious primary school?
There are several steps you can take to give your child’s reading and writing skills a boost, including the use of effective strategies at home to improve reading comprehension skills and/or to enrol him or her in an English Enrichment Class – in which case, it is essential to determine which class is the best fit for your child.
How do you determine and justify the effectiveness of an English Enrichment Class in preparing your child for primary school?
Reading skills
- Read, comprehend and respond to different types of age-appropriate literary texts (i.e. children’s literature, rhymes/poems and narratives)
- Develop beginners’ skills in word identification such as decoding and phonics
- Recognise the sounds of vowels, consonant clusters, vowel combinations, etc.
- Build vocabulary through reading various types of texts and learn to retain definitions to use words in different situations
- Convey a message or a sentence in a persuasive manner
- Develop comprehension skills including identifying the main idea, identifying the details, making inferences, listening selectively as well as making predictions
Criteria for English enrichment class that builds Primary 1 reading skills:
Research has shown that phonics is just one part of the expected reading abilities. Therefore, do opt for an integrated reading enrichment class over a phonics class.
There are 8 essential skills for reading:
1. Engagement
2. Active Understanding
3. Narrative Intelligence & Higher Order Thinking Skills
4. Phonemic Awareness
5. Phonics
6. Fluency
7. Vocabulary-building
8. Structural Awareness
Developing the these 8 essential skills will prepare your child well to further enhance their English level.
Speaking and Communication skills in Primary 1
- Understand that listening is not a passive receptive task but rather one that requires engagement, feedback and/or participation
- Develop active listening skills
- Learn how to speak and represent ideas effectively in various situations and settings (e.g., one-on-one conversation, group interaction, poem recitation or a simple classroom presentation)
- Participate in conversations, narrate, explain, provide instructions, and recount and report information
- Recognise and utilise the various voice qualities in spoken communication (i.e., volume, pace, word stress and sentence stress)
- Listen and comprehend a variety of spoken and audio texts including DVDs, CDs, radio broadcasts, podcasts, and live presentations or performances
An enrichment class for students should cater to them and their interests, which fundamentally starts with having fun. Opt for an English enrichment class that draws from dynamic activities to cultivate active listening, verbal self-expression and communication techniques.
If you would like to enroll to our private or group English Enrichment Classes, please call us at 3182 6925 or leave a message on WhatsApp at 5486 4753 to find out more information.
踏入9月,是小一入學「自行分配」學位申請的月份,如果家長替子女報讀免費的官立或資助小學,便要9月初前往各民政處或教育局索取「小一入學申請表」,並於9月最後那個星期交回心儀小學。 「自行分配」佔五成 也許家長會問,在小一入學中,「自行分配」學位佔整間學校學位多少成,以及學位是怎樣分發? 「自行分配學位」在9月開始接受申請,與在翌年1月的「統一派位」各佔一半學額,即是說,如果你申請那間小學有100個學
Read More由寶寶開始踏上幼稚園, 父母已為孩子們計畫及部署升小學一連串選校準備功夫,不管您要挑選津貼、直資或私立學校,務求為寶寶安排最好升學的路徑。 教育階梯誠意邀請資深選校專家(前喇沙書院副校長)及香港輔導教師協會榮譽顧問 - 趙榮德先生為家長客觀地拆解升小學及幼稚園疑難。 A) 一年一度升小策略講座 第一節: 升小一
Read More現今香港小孩子選校有很多選擇。家長們在現有制度面對挑戰,不太清楚教育制度,亦對小朋友選擇合適學校而癈盡心思。 為了小孩未來,家長們需要知道如何有效為子女安排未來的發展 - 國際學校、本地傳統學校?究竟它們有何不同?是否有多種不同國際學校?那條才是最適合你的子女? 在講座中,Mr James 會詳細講解不同學校特色及探討選擇中學, 家長可適合地選擇適合課程。
Read More升小一全方位策略 挑選一間心儀的優質學校是不少家長們的心願,父母為讓子女報讀官津或心儀直資或私立小學用盡方法, 為求在名校中爭一席位。在眾多小學中,家長應採用甚麼策略選擇最適合及心儀的學校呢? 家長應抱著什麼心態去預備選校,而選校時又應注意些什麼呢? 升學教育專家趙榮德先生於四月十三日接受 TVB 都市閒情訪問,標題為「小學面試,家長慌惶」。當中講
Read More本工作坊跟一般講座模式有不同,除了提供家長重要資訊外, 還實戰介紹及提供方法給家長如何有效準備面試及如何作答,有題目練習及筆記提供。萬物錯過。 挑選一間心儀的優質學校是不少家長們的心願,父母為讓子女報讀官津或心儀直資或私立小學用盡方法, 為求在名校中爭一席位。在眾多小學中,家長應採用甚麼策略選擇最適合及心儀的學校呢? 家長應抱著什麼心態去預備選校,而選校時又應注意些什麼呢?
Read More精進國際企業有限公司主力以大腦松果體超感官課程及記憶技巧為教學中心,推廣一站式的全方位大腦培訓課程,不但擁有經驗豐富的專才導師,更擁有專業的合作團隊。本機構的課堂地點鄰近地鐵站,為各區人士帶來極大方面。課室面積寬廣,能容納七十多人。 2005年創立至今,已有9年歷史。 讓學員受益於大腦潛能培訓及記憶方法,將超感官感應力及全腦記憶方法活用於工作與學習中,從而達到事半功倍的效果。 是中國香
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