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English Enrichment Class

Most parents of preschoolers will start to worry about a common issue:

When the time comes, how will my child be prepared to enter a prestigious primary school? 

There are several steps you can take to give your child’s reading and writing skills a boost, including the use of effective strategies at home to improve reading comprehension skills and/or to enrol him or her in an English Enrichment Class – in which case, it is essential to determine which class is the best fit for your child.

How do you determine and justify the effectiveness of an English Enrichment Class in preparing your child for primary school?

Reading skills 

- Read, comprehend and respond to different types of age-appropriate literary texts (i.e. children’s literature,            rhymes/poems and narratives)

-  Develop beginners’ skills in word identification such as decoding and phonics

-  Recognise the sounds of vowels, consonant clusters, vowel combinations, etc.

-  Build vocabulary through reading various types of texts and learn to retain definitions to use words in different situations

-  Convey a message or a sentence in a persuasive manner

-  Develop comprehension skills including identifying the main idea, identifying the details, making inferences, listening selectively as well as making predictions


Criteria for English enrichment class that builds Primary 1 reading skills:

Research has shown that phonics is just one part of the expected reading abilities. Therefore, do opt for an integrated reading enrichment class over a phonics class.

There are 8 essential skills for reading:

1. Engagement

2. Active Understanding

3. Narrative Intelligence & Higher Order Thinking Skills

4. Phonemic Awareness

5. Phonics

6. Fluency

7. Vocabulary-building

8. Structural Awareness

Developing the these 8 essential skills will prepare your child well to further enhance their English level.


Speaking and Communication skills in Primary 1

- Understand that listening is not a passive receptive task but rather one that requires engagement, feedback and/or participation

- Develop active listening skills

- Learn how to speak and represent ideas effectively in various situations and settings (e.g., one-on-one conversation, group interaction, poem recitation or a simple classroom presentation)

- Participate in conversations, narrate, explain, provide instructions, and recount and report information

- Recognise and utilise the various voice qualities in spoken communication (i.e., volume, pace, word stress and sentence stress)

- Listen and comprehend a variety of spoken and audio texts including DVDs, CDs, radio broadcasts, podcasts, and live presentations or performances

An enrichment class for students should cater to them and their interests, which fundamentally starts with having fun. Opt for an English enrichment class that draws from dynamic activities to cultivate active listening, verbal self-expression and communication techniques.

If you would like to enroll to our private or group English Enrichment Classes, please call us at 3182 6925 or leave a message on WhatsApp at 5486 4753 to find out more information. 



工作坊 升小一全方位策略

趙榮德 升小一全方位策略工作坊 4月24日及30日

本工作坊跟一般講座模式有不同,除了提供家長重要資訊外, 還實戰介紹及提供方法給家長如何有效準備面試及如何作答,有題目練習及筆記提供。萬物錯過。   挑選一間心儀的優質學校是不少家長們的心願,父母為讓子女報讀官津或心儀直資或私立小學用盡方法, 為求在名校中爭一席位。在眾多小學中,家長應採用甚麼策略選擇最適合及心儀的學校呢? 家長應抱著什麼心態去預備選校,而選校時又應注

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升小統一派位策略工作坊 4月30日


統一派位,除了靠運氣,還要講策略,策略用得好,即使運氣差,也有很大機會入名校。 工作坊內容包括: 以下為工作坊五大必勝策略   ** 內容包括最新2016 -17 小學一本通資料 策略一  如何採取計算方法用世襲超收額來揀好及受歡迎學校?             用統計決定各區用

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升小面試策略必勝法工作坊 4月24日


本工作坊跟一般講座模式有不同,除了提供家長重要資訊外, 還實戰介紹及提供方法給家長如何有效準備面試及如何作答,有題目練習及筆記提供。 挑選一間心儀的優質學校是不少家長們的心願,父母為讓子女報讀官津或心儀直資或私立小學用盡方法, 為求在名校中爭 一席位。在眾多小學中,家長應採用甚麼策略選擇最適合及心儀的學校呢? 家長應抱著什麼心態去預備選校,而選校時又應注意些什麼呢? 升

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如何增強記億、集中及分析力,相信是每位學生及家長們所希望達到及改善的。 教育階梯很榮幸邀請到中國香港大腦思維運動先驅專家劉劉志光先生跟大家分享,並與其機構合作舉辦講座令大家更能掌握其方式及了解如何達到。  伍文龍學生, 只得七歲, 運用大腦松果體全腦激活法, 全級考第一。 曾上課學生超過6000人,另有在學校任教及做演講,也曾經幫助不同機構

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挑選一間心儀的優質學校是不少家長們的心願,父母為讓子女報讀官津或心儀直資或私立小學用盡方法, 為求在名校中爭一席位。在眾多小學中,家長應採用甚麼策略選擇最適合及心儀的學校呢? 家長應抱著什麼心態去預備選校,而選校時又應注意些什麼呢? 一連串的問題, 相信令不少家長攪盡腦汁, 本工作坊<升小一全方法策略工作坊 >請來升學專家為家長揭開煩惱,務求有充分準備, 為子

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挑選一間心儀的優質學校是不少家長們的心願,父母為讓子女報讀官津或心儀直資或私立小學用盡方法, 為求在名校中爭一席位。在眾多小學中,家長應採用甚麼策略選擇最適合及心儀的學校呢? 家長應抱著什麼心態去預備選校,而選校時又應注意些什麼呢? 一連串的問題, 相信令不少家長攪盡腦汁, 本工作坊<小一面試必勝法工作坊 >請來升學專家為家長揭開煩惱,務求有充分準備, 為子女

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