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Kindergarten news

Topkids Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten Incident

Hong Kong Association Careers Masters and Guidance Masters - Honorary Advisor HKACMGM

Mr. Chiu Wing Tak 

Recently, some parents asked me about the viewpoint regarding the close down of the TOPKIDS Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten , I replied: "It seems to be a commercial competitive issue, regarding this incident of being forced to close down, it seems to have no way out."

 "Then EDB did not give out a helping hand, isn't it ridiculous?" Parents pursued indefinitely.

 "I think what Education Bureau has done this time is reasonable but not sensible!"

 "Why do you think that EDB acts reasonable? EDB cannot base on the reason of the high rent raised by another kindergarten to stop the registration of the school's business?" Parents asked.

  "Of course not, Hong Kong is the rule of law area, the rules say everywhere, everything is based on the provisions, as long as the other kindergarten can bid successfully in a fair competition, then Education Bureau cannot  revoke license arbitrarily! "I replied.

  "But the original owners treated TOPKIDS Anglo-Chinese kindergarten in an unfair condition, according to press report TOPKIDS Anglo-Chinese kindergarten and the owner agreed from January this year, TOPKIDS Anglo-Chinese kindergarten will pay three hundred thirty-five thousand per month, that is higher than the original two hundred and sixty thousand dollars by a 28% increment.   However, the owners suddenly increased to five hundred and fifty thousand, TOPKIDS Anglo-Chinese kindergarten then surrender, and is forced to close down. " The parent continued to defend for TOPKIDS.

  "This event is not as simple as what you said, the version I heard of, is the owner believed that the rent offered to TOPKIDS Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten is far below than the market price, thus requiring TOPKIDS Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten to increase the rent, after serveral discussion, but to no avail, and finally the owners enter into a tender, forcing TOPKIDS to raise a higher price. The tender finally announced the result that another kindergarten can win the tender by paying five hundred and fifty thousand lease, then TOPKIDS finally proposed to renew the contract by paying five hundred and ninety thousand per month.  However, it was too late.  According to my version, TOPKIDS also want to keep the prices down initially, and finally found it not successful, they are then willing to pay the ultra-expensive rent for another year, but unfortunately it ends up in a hopeless situation! "I explained the whole incident in one go.

  "You mean the whole thing is a competitive business, so the highest bidder is fair and just?"  The parent remains unconvinced.

  "Unfortunately, I really think TOPKIDS event is a commercial competition, although TOPKIDS kindergarten is the provision of education, but it is a commercial building leasing activity, because of this, this time the EDB does not interfere!" I went on to explain.

  "Why EDB does not attempt to save TOPKIDS?" The parent said.

  "As TOPKIDS is a private independent kindergarten, this type of kindergarten is not under the EDB regulation,  the EDB will set a lot of freedom for the privately owned kindergarten.Secondly, if Education Bureau attempt to intervene, what if the second, third kindergartens closed down due to ultra-high rents, then Education Bureau would be very busy in helping out?" So it is reasonable that EDB did not interfere this time "I said.

  "Why is it unconscionable then?" The parent asks.

"Because TOPKIDS is a historic, with a good reputation and welcomed by the parents, from the sensation perspective, the Education Bureau seems to find a good space for TOPKIDS to operate for a year. This act could express support to TOPKIDS and parents, if there is any vacant school premises, the Education Bureau should assist TOPKIDS".  I said.

  "I agree!" Parents satisfied with a nod, ending the discussion.

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