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Kindergarten Admissi

Interview went wrong, the kid can still get admitted to the kindergarten

Mr Chiu Wing Tak, Honorary Advisor Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters

Some parents asked me: "If the interview question was answered wrong, does it mean the kid definitely not being get accepted."                                                           

"It depends on the school's culture, if a school is advocating a high IQ,  the possibility of accepting the kid is relatively. However, if the school is advocating a high EQ, then a child with patience, confidence, and with a  fighting heart, even the kid got it wrong he/she still has a chance. The following shows an example that a kid answered two questions wrong, but still get admitted in the renowned kindergarten. "

This kindergarten is located in Yau Yat Tsuen, with a large campus area, 65,000 square feet, my friend and her daughter Mary and Ann are very fond of this kindergarten, because the school has athletic field, basketball courts and football field, which most elementary school generally do not have these facilities,  the kids would definitely love this spacious place.

Ann is a very active, polite, cute little girl, every day when the lift opens the door, she will speak loud to the old administrator: "Good morning, Uncle. Because a friend needs to work, and let her mother to take care of her daughter, her grandmother possess strong social skills, with her nurture, it also affects the little girl to work and share with children.

On the day of the interview, Mary and her husband brought their daughter to the school and arrived half an hour early, waited for a test and they entered into the classroom.  They found the huge classroom, with four desks in four corners, a teacher sat on one side, and two candidates sat on the other side.

The format of the interview is that two candidates sat at the same time, the teacher will ask one first, and another one need to wait.  My friend thinks that the school deliberately arranged this interview setting, in order to observe one was attentive enough (because next to someone), and to test another candidate is patient to wait or whether he will disturb another candidate.

When it comes to Ann’s turn, she spoke loudly: "Good afternoon, teacher!" The teacher also responsed, telling her to put Lego brick into two-storey.  Ann completed. Upon completion and tells the teacher: "I finished!" The teacher nodded and told Ann to put the Lego back in place, but Ann drops a piece of Lego on the ground. Ann bend over immediately, picked up the Lego on the table and said: "Teacher, I picked up here!" The teacher said: "Good Girl”

 Upon completion of Lego, the teacher asked Ann to accept the color test, the first three colors are red, orange and black, Ann answered correctly. When the teacher took fourth green cardboard, Ann answered blue. Teacher smiled and said: "This is green, not blue!" Hear Ann said: "Yes, I forgot!" The teacher smiled.

Finally, the teacher was holding a model of steak and asked Ann: "What is it?" Ann answered: "Pork Chop, I like to eat pork chop!" Teacher told Ann softly: "This is a steak, looks like a pork chop, rememberit, "Ann nodded, smiled and said:”” I remembered it

 After that, the teacher asked Ann about the organs, Ann answered easily. When the interview was finished, Ann spoke loudly to the teacher: "Goodbye Teacher!" Again, and the children next to say goodbye.

As for the results, Ann was getting admitted. Although she had some questions answered incorrectly, but her attitude is good, EQ is high, and this school emphasis EQ, so she can enter smoothly!

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