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Family Education

Give the child a positive psychological suggestion

Psychologists tell us: In terms of positive beliefs parents expect their children to become what the future child will become.Parents' expectations for their children are 

Psychologists tell us: In terms of positive beliefs parents expect what their children would become, their child will then become what is expected. Parents' expectations for their children are often inadvertently expressed or revealed to in everyday life. A positive attitude can make a child feel loved and encouragement, so the child will become confident and vibrant; but negative comment or negative accusations will make the children lose confidence and the development potential.

 When children lose confidence in ourselves, they will often doubt their ability, and if the child get a positive encouragement on his or her daily life, the child will gain confidence on their own, and vice versa same to the  self-esteem. Some parents had often scolded their children, then when the child experiences in learning difficulties, he would naturally remember to be scolded, so they doubt themselves, not to mention motivation to do things. But if he get used to regular encouragement and praise, he would believe that he can do it, he will then be able to continue to overcome the difficulties.


Now, you can think about it, and ponder the following questions:


  • You often feel difficult to teach children?
  • When you encounter setbacks about teaching your children, and you had kids lose faith?
  • Do you feel your child is the best?


Regardless of what the answer is going to be. When we are in our daily lives we give the child a positive suggestion, it can be one of a verbal encouragement when the child is in the weak situation, the child will feel the positive energy from the bottom of his heart. When you continue to do so, you will slowly experience and observe the child is getting good performance. Believe it or not, try it!



 * Avoid blaming the child in front of others, because each person itself is not perfect.

* Whenever the children encounter difficulties, sincerely said to him: "You can do it!"

* Try to find the child's advantage, and appreciate their good examples.


Author: Liang Ming

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