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Math World Online Courses HKD:$480 |
PLANETii Math World Online Courses
- 適合準備小學面試及小學學生使用
「數學世界」是一套內容充實,專為課餘活動充實的小學生及工作繁忙的家長而設計的網上數學練習—透過一套由美國M.I.T.及Stanford University的才俊所開發的「智能系統」再配合動畫遊戲、35,000 題「精選數題」及90多篇「課題精讀」,內容均配合香港小學數學課程、新加坡小學數學課程及美國全國數學教師理事會課程。提供突破傳統的數學訓練方案。 「智能系統」會跟據學生的學習能力編排出完全「個人化」的數學課程,有困難的學生則可以選擇由淺入深地接受訓練,逐步克服困難,提升數學能力。相反,質優的學生會獲加快晉級,面對更難的數學挑戰,全速釋放數學潛能許多不同類型的題目。例如:數字運算題、文字應用題、或是邏輯的推理及觀念的應用等等。 來達到不同的教學目標。 「數學世界2.0」將會徹底改革您和您子女的數學學習經驗。立即和孩子親身體驗一下「數學世界2.0」令人振奮的數學學習功能,讓您看著孩子愛上數學。 瞭解子女的學習成果,只要輕鬆的的按一下滑鼠按鍵,就能知道他的學習進度。您知的越多,越能參與其中,陪伴他度過每個學習難關,跟他一起成長。 原價: $600 每年平均每月只需$39 (一年任玩,無需任何軟件) Subscriber List (HOME USER comes from:)
MathWorld has the largest math question database available online. Play anytime, no software is required to install. Login in and password to be provided. It has 35,000+ math questions of different problem types: numerical; word; logical reasoning; concept application; etc. The math questions cover all the math topics in primary school and elementary school curricula. Discover how MathWorld revolutionizes your child's experience in learning mathematics. Explore the exciting features of MathWorld that you and your child will love.
Why Math 2.0?1) A Strong Foundation Curriculum ensures your child will get cross-disciplinary learning to understand how numbers, measures, shapes, and data all relate to one another. 2) A Presonallzed Curriculum Math World's 2.0 proprietary intelligent engine chooses questions and topics solely based on YOUR child's performance. At Math2.0, your child truly learns at his or her own pace. 3) A higher standard of Excellence Math World 2.0 doesn't stop at mere number crunching. It includes a wealth of critical thinking and higher level questions, set in real-life contexts. Some of our questions are just plain tough — success with Math World means achieving a higher standard of excellence. 4) An Advanced Curriculum The basis for Math 2.0 products is a "super curriculum" that combines the best of curricula from the United States and Asia. Our curriculum prepares students not only for school, but for the world outside the classroom. 5) Detailed Progress Information By providing you with an immediate and detailed analysis of your child's progress we make, have you ever wondered if your child's school is challenging him or her enough? Our WorldWide Compare feature shows you how your child's progress compares to that of his or her peers across the country and around the world.
TESTIMONIALA group of children, parents and teachers in the United States and Hong Kong were able to use Math 2.0 prior to Official Launch. They keep sending us comments about Math 2.0. My child loves using Math 2.0. As his teacher... it has never been so easy to teach him math! It's great to put in so little effort on my end... and to have such terrific results in such a short amount of time... Linda, Homeschooling Parent
The Math 2.0 interface is gorgeous.. it's great to see my son work with grade level work pretty confidently. I wish his whole math curriculum could be furnished through Math 2.0 Anita, Parent Discount Subscription Price before end of May: $39 Per Month |